Mere Genie Uncle (2015)

About Mere Genie Uncle Hindi Movie ?
Mere Genie Uncle is an upcoming 3D Drama, Children film. Mere Genie Uncle 2015 Movie directed by Ashish Bhavsar and produced by Rajesh Shah, Ashish Bhavsar.
Check out Mere Genie Uncle 2015 Movie Story. This Movie Mere Genie Uncle starring Tiku Talsania, Swati Kapoor, Anuj Sikri, Shakti Kapoor, Ehsaan Qureshi, Navina Bole, Mushtaq Khan, Ashish Roy, Pankaj Kalra, Pratham Kalra, Yash Acharya, Ayyan Mallik, Jannat Khan, Hetvi Charla. Mere Genie Uncle 2015 Movie will release on June 05, 2015.
Tiku Talsania is done lead role in Movie. Mere Genie Uncle is a 3D Movie where Tiku Talsania is playing double role as Genie and I M Patel. A laugh riot with a subtle message of love and compassion.
To excite kids this X’mas specially prepared a song Christmas Day and have created it as an X’mas Party at Santa’s House in the North Pole. It has got the aura and celebration of the Festival of Christmas.
Mere Genie Uncle is 3D and Drama with all about Children Movie. We Hope Mere Genie Uncle 2015 Film Going big hit on box office. For information about Mere Genie Uncle Movie Check Continue